We are shining lights of Christ in Word and Deed

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Urban/Rural/Suburban Areas

We reviewed urban, suburban, and rural areas by performing in skits!  While riding in a car, we described what we saw going through an urban, suburban, or rural area.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Food From Plants

We learned about food that comes from plants.  We had fun drawing some fruits and vegetables, tracing them with crayon, and then painting with watercolors.

San Diego Symphony Field Trip

We took a walk to the City Heights Performance Annex on Thursday!  We enjoyed a stringed performance by a quintet from the San Diego Symphony.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


We are beginning our saint research projects!  Each student will choose a saint and do research at school to discover how the saint followed God.  Each student will create a poster with an illustration of the saint and interesting facts demonstrating how the saint followed God.

Students will choose a saint from either of these two websites:
Saints by date
Saints by name

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Picture Day and P.E.

Just a reminder that Monday, 10/15 is picture day.  Students must wear their regular school uniform and bring their P.E. uniform to change into.  Also, P.E. will be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week to make up for the missed day last week.

Leaf Investigation

We investigated different leaves using a magnifying glass to determine their similarities and differences!  

Friday, October 5, 2012

ITBS Testing

Dear Parents,
We will be taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) next week.  Because we will be starting promptly in the morning, it is important for your child to arrive to school on time.  Please make sure your child gets enough sleep and eats a healthy breakfast before school.  We will be testing every morning next week starting on 10/8 through 10/12.

Thank You,
Miss Grey