We are shining lights of Christ in Word and Deed

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Visit from Cathedral High School Students and Teachers

Cathedral Catholic High School students and teachers visited OLSH today!
They spent time in our classroom working with us!
Mrs. Garcia, the sign language teacher, read us a book and taught us some sign language!
It was so much fun!

Sr. Eva's Visit

We were fortunate to have Sr. Eva visit us at OLSH!
She shared about her missionary work in the Philippines.
We learned that we can show our love for Jesus by showing kindness and praying for others.
Thank you, Sr. Eva!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Center Work

The students' center work was sent home this past Friday.  
There was an orange card attached that showed the number of points that were earned.
There were 3 points possible for each component, with a total of 9 points for all 3 centers.
  1. completing the assignment
  2. following the directions and showing their best work
  3. neatness

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Culture Box Sharing!

We had so much fun sharing our culture boxes and learning about each other!  
We love that we are different and unique!
Check us out!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Culture Box

Culture Box
          We have been talking about how we are all different and special!  Now, you can show the class what makes you special by making a culture box!  Your culture box should show your interests, your family, where your family is from, and any other things about your culture.  Use the box provided.  Fold it with the white surface on the inside.  Please follow the directions and bring it in by Monday, Sept. 10.  Have fun!

·         Decorate the outside of the box with drawings, pictures, or words that describe your culture.
                   *Write your name in large letters on the top of the box lid.
                   *Draw or glue on a picture of the flag from your family’s country.
                   *Draw or glue on pictures of your favorite food or other special things
                     from your culture.                              
·         Choose at least 8 things to put inside the box.  (No more than 15 things.)    
                   *Include photos of your family, pictures cut from magazines, drawings,
                     a favorite toy or book, or anything else that shows your culture and
                *Everything you include must fit inside the box.

Here is an example of MY culture box.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Parent Reminders

This Tuesday, Sept. 4, will be our Opening School Liturgy at 12:00pm.  Please be sure your child is dressed in their appropriate school uniform.   The YMCA P.E. program will begin Monday, Sept. 10.  Please have your child dressed in their P.E. uniform on Mondays and Wednesdays.  If you have not sent the $50 Supply Fee, please send it in as soon as possible.  The money is necessary to provide engaging lessons and activities for your child throughout the year. Thank you!
I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!