We are shining lights of Christ in Word and Deed

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our Hero Research Projects!

We learned so much about many great heroes!
We looked at a giant list of heroes and chose which one we liked the best!
Then, we researched about the person's life and decided ways he or she is a hero!
Check us out!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


We experimented with magnets today and found that only objects made from iron will attract to magnets!
We also learned that opposite poles attract each other, but the same poles repel each other!


We learned that electricity can be stored in a battery! 
When a complete circuit is made, a light bulb will light up and a small motor will run!
Check us out as we experimented with electricity!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fraction Fun!

We designed colorful flower petals to create fraction word problems.
We had fun solving each other's fraction flower problems and doing math in the hallway!

Some problems that we created include:
What is the fraction of petals that have stars?
What is the fraction of petals that are pink?
What is the fraction of petals that have zig zags?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Airplane Assembly Line

We have been learning that "producers" provide goods or services for "consumers" to buy.
Today, we learned that goods are produced faster in factories when more people work together.
We had our own "assembly lines" to put together a number of paper airplanes quickly and efficiently.
We sure learned that helping each other really made a difference in the time it took to assemble a plane!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Trip to the Zoo

We had a great time during our field trip at the zoo!  We saw many different animals and had fun finding animals during our scavenger hunt!

Experimenting with Weight

We observed and recorded the distance an object travels when the amount of weight decreases.  
We had a blast using a rubber band to shoot a plastic egg with beans across the pavement!